Are Those Greener Pastures Astroturf? How to Get What You Want Where You Are
When the first edition of “Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em” came out, it was a mega hit. My co-author Sharon Jordan-Evans and I were thrilled. Then we started getting feedback from managers who said, “Your book is great, your training was great, but why is the responsibility always on our shoulders? What roles do the employees play in their own careers?” And we slapped our own foreheads, gob smacked by our stupidity and realized…they were right! We said - let’s put some of the responsibility for engagement into the heads and hearts of employees and help them understand how to get what they want at work without moving to new pastures.
Retention Dimensions 2023 - The Suspension Dimension
Over decades of studying careers around the globe, I’ve learned that career mobility can mean growing, stretching, learning, and transforming without ever changing job titles or cubicles. Career mobility is the responsibility of each individual to define and to live out. And it’s up to you as their manager to ensure your employees understand that there are more directions to move than “up.” It’s one of management’s greatest challenges, but it is doable. And it’s a critical part of your job, especially if you want them to stay and continue to grow with you. To prepare for addressing the Suspension Dimension, read my tips in this article.