Keynotes That Stick
A Sage on the Stage
Bev has delivered thousands of dynamic and motivational speeches at professional conferences and to corporate audiences worldwide. She addresses an array of talent management topics across industries and to audiences of all sizes. Speeches typically range in duration from 1 to 3 hours. Every speaking engagement is tailored to the audience and addresses the objectives, challenges and opportunities that are unique to each group.
See Bev in Action!
Ways We Can Work Together
Bev Kaye invites connections through:
Conversations that Teach aka Roundtables, Mastermind Groups, Topical Dialogues
Keynote Speeches or Conference Breakouts (larger events in-person or virtual)
Panel Discussions contributing to a meaningful dialogue
Podcasts sharing decades of industry experience and insights
Webinars for companies with dispersed or global workforces
All sessions range 1-3 hours, varied on the need of the organization and audience.
Meaningful Conversations Cultivate Thriving Stakeholders
Engagement |
Love 'Em or Lose 'Em: Getting Good People to Stay
Today's leaders need coaching that enables them to help their key employees thrive, constantly learn and give their "all" to the team and organization. Talent Focused Leaders know that if their organization is to be productive and competitive, they must not only "hang-on" to good people but also continually engage and develop them to meet constantly changing business needs.
The big question for most leaders is how to do this in a "no-time-to-do-it" environment. Love 'Em or Lose 'Em provides practical, low cost, or no cost ways to engage and retain the intellectual capital in which your organization has already invested.
Participants will leave with easy to implement ideas that can be used immediately.
Attention on Retention: Strategies for Leaders
Building and Sustaining an Engaged Culture
Engaging the Talent on Your Team: Everyday How To’s
Strategies for Engaging and Retaining a World-Class Workforce
The Leader’s Role in Engagement and Retention
Love It Don’t Leave It
Satisfied and engaged at work – it’s everyone’s lifelong desire and every organization’s goal. Engaged employees are satisfied … and foster satisfied customers. Satisfaction is personal and individual, not legislated. Employees may be staying put, but engagement could be dropping.
Empower employees to take responsibility for increasing their satisfaction at work and take action to have great conversations with their managers.
Participants will leave understanding the importance of being proactive around their needs and wants and will have some initial steps.
Satisfaction Takes Action – what are you doing?
Take Action to find more Satisfaction
Stay – Don’t Leave – Find more satisfaction right where you are
Retention |
Hello Stay Interviews, Goodbye Talent Loss: A Manager's Playbook
Managers should routinely ask their best employees this simple question: "What will keep you here?" Unfortunately, most managers don't ask until they conduct employee exit interviews. By then, the question comes too late. A Stay Interview is a one-on-one conversation with employees about what they care about most on the job, and how you can adjust or coordinate their circumstances to make them happier. Stay interviews can be used with talent at any level. When you deploy stay interviews correctly, they engage staff members and increase their productivity.
Participants will leave with a set of questions to use for their own Stay Interviews with key employees.
Beyond Pay: Why Do They Stay?
Once You Find ‘Em, Can You Keep ‘Em?
The Power of Stay Interviews: Tools for Managers Everywhere
Stay Interviews Prevent Exit Interviews
The Art & Science of the Stay Interview: Tips for Busy Managers
Career Development
Career Development |
Career Conversations Organizations Need & Employees Still Want
Career development is ranked among the top global drivers for engagement and retention. Great leaders know that they can't take the development of talent for granted. Employees want their managers to understand their talents, challenge them, open channels for their development and link them to resources in the organization. They want someone to be attentive to their needs for growth. How leaders pay attention to and talk with the members of their teams is critical in the perception, feeling, and reality of whether the organization is concerned and interested in an individual's growth and career success. Employees too have a role to uncover their own needs, wants, and actions.
Managers will leave with a process, tips and tools, to coach employees in their development conversations.
Employees will leave with the beginning of a game plan for their own career.
Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go
Career Development: A Key to Retain & Engage Talent
How To’s of Career Coaching: Supporting the Development Process
The Development Imperative: Strategies for Career Conversations
The Power of the Individual Development Plan: Igniting the Dialogue
Career Conversations Employees Want: Discussion Tips and Tools
Mind Your Own Business: Manage Your Career
Career Power: Optimizing Opportunities
Demystifying the Career Conversation: Five Critical Steps
Self Power Your Career: Own Your Development
Career Self-Management: Take Control of Your Development
Career Mobility
Career Mobility |
Up is Not the Only Way: Rethinking Career Mobility
Multiple surveys have revealed that employees want to know where and how they fit in the organization - not just in today's organization but also in the organization as it moves forward. The exploration of multiple ways to grow and develop will broaden the landscape of possibilities for employees who may fee trapped, plateaued or dissatisfied by what they view today as limited options.
Up is Not the Only Way will offer multiple ways and experiences for managers to share with employees who are ready, willing and able to dive into development thus making that step more meaningful. Employee audiences will experience the same multiple ways and experiences they can target for their future development plan.
Participants will walk away with an understanding of the six options for career growth.
Developing a Mobility Mindset: The How To’s & the Must Do’s
Six Paths to Growth: Optimizing Opportunities
Stuck on Up? There are Options!
Career Movement: Choices and Challenges
Strategies for Growing Careers: Five Critical Steps
Meeting Planner Resources
*Bev’ Bobblehead presented to Bev by I4CP

What People Are Saying
“Bev was and continues to be well ahead of all others relative to her thought leadership on talent retention and the employee experience.”
— CEO, Amplify Growth™, President, ISA Board of Directors & Chairman of the Board, Whole Systems, Inc.
“Beverly Kaye has made life-long, significant contributions to the field of talent development, motivation, career-growth, retention, and recognition. She translates researched strategies into implementable actions that people can grasp and achieve the desired results.”
— Leadership & Team Development,
Compass Group
“We had attendees from all over the world and it was fun to see the chat feature so active with attendees responding to your frameworks and your invitations to take more control of their development and career. You were simply extraordinary! Thank you for sharing your wisdom, talent, and compassion with all of us.”
— Senior VP, Global Talent Management Human Resources, Ecolab
Join Bev’s Collaboratory
Every person Bev meets, works with, and encounters becomes a lifelong member of her collaboratory.
What is a collaboratory?
Collaborate + Laboratory - an open, secure environment where business professionals can interact with Bev and with each other to discuss and analyze problems, test ideas, and generate more thorough and rigorous solutions than any of us can do alone.
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