Beverly Kaye Beverly Kaye

Holding On, Letting Go, Moving On: Resilience and Relevance Required

“Nothing endures but change”. This quote from Plato has never been truer as it is today! New knowledge and technologies, fluctuating economic conditions, shifting political realities, growing international interdependencies, global pandemics, the pressures of competition and the evolution of new cultural values and perspectives all impinge constantly on leaders and managers, learners, and organizations. 

As a result, our ways of working and the expectations business leaders have of learning and development have dramatically evolved, requiring practitioners in our field to constantly adapt and innovate. 

As such, learning professionals consistently face an ongoing dilemma: what do they hold on to that still holds true, what do they let go of and where do they move on to in order to meet todays and tomorrow’s learning needs? How do they ensure their work is as relevant as ever and maintain resilience in the process? 

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