Retention Dimensions 2023 - The Re-Invention Dimension

The Re-Invention Dimension of career development and career mobility

Retention Dimension #4: THE RE-INVENTION DIMENSION

How Do I Help Employees See New and More Promising Opportunities Without Leaving?

In case you missed part one, part two, and part three of my Retention Dimensions series, be sure to catch up about the status of the Great Resignation in 2023 and steps you can take to ensure your best employees stick around. In part 4, we’ll move on to the fourth dimension - The Re-Invention Dimension.

Like plants, many employees grow naturally on their own, but some require human intervention. When it comes to career development, I firmly believe that employees own their own careers. However, this does not exclude managers from taking part in the process. In fact, career coaching is one of the best ways for business owners and managers to retain mission-critical employees year after year.

A key aspect of career coaching is helping employees envision where they might “fit and sit” in other locations around the organization. That effort begins with understanding employees’ current, potential (and sometimes hidden) competencies and career goals. I know, I know, you have enough to do without taking on this additional responsibility. But if you’re thinking of at least exploring it, start here. You may change your mind. Below, rate the accuracy of each of the following statements:

Exploratory experiences can offer insights into the daily tasks of a role or function -- insights that are critical to making informed and sometimes unexpected career mobility choices. No worries if employees come away from the experience fired up or turned off and ready to look at other options. They will have more information about the career growth options available to them. And they will have added to their network of connections


This week begin dialogues with your people about the changes impacting their job, your department, the organization, or even the industry. Ask them what changes they see happening. What new skills, capabilities, or learning experiences will help prepare them for the rapidly changing work environment they are immersed in. Assign them to projects that will help them learn and grow in ways that will prepare them for future changes. Provide them with reading materials, people, or websites that will enlighten and inform them. Follow up with great debriefing questions to help them discover what they are learning and how it might help them in their future career.

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Retention Dimensions 2023 - The Comprehension Dimension


Retention Dimensions 2023 - The Attention Dimension