Whether for fear of an uncertain economy or reluctance to deal with the inevitable stresses of looking for work, many people feel unwilling or unable to change jobs. So they simply "quit on the job." They disengage, produce less, and bide their time in quiet dissatisfaction, making themselves, and often their coworkers, family, and friends miserable. But there is an alternative.
Love It, Don't Leave It provides readers with 26 practical, easy-to-implement ways to make their current work environment more satisfying. Presented in an appealing, accessible A-to-Z format, the book includes strategies for improving communication, stimulating career growth, balancing work with family, and much more. Designed for workers at any age and at any stage, Love It, Don't Leave It helps people assume responsibility for the way their work lives work. Readers who try just a few of the strategies in this book may find that the job they want is the job they already have.
A Wall Street Journal bestseller
Winner of the 2004 Publishers Marketing Association Benjamin Franklin Award for Best Career Book
Over 100,000 copies sold

What People Are Saying
“I Love it! As HR practitioners, we often hear our employees ask; 'what have you done for me lately?' This book reverses that question. We can now ask our people: 'what have you done for yourself?' and give them 26 actionable ideas to help them understand how to bring energy and excitement to work on a daily basis.”
— SVP Human Resources and Chief People Yahoo, Yahoo! Inc., Co-author, HR from the Heart: Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Building the People Side of Great Business
“To focus on what is wrong with a job will always produce a list of concerns. Bev Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans have provided us with 26 ways to look first at the possibilities in order to help us see opportunities that are only visible when we look for what is right about the job. In our travels with FISH! we have seen countless examples of a change in attitude releasing the energy of personal transformation and growth. It is for that reason Love It Don't Leave It is an important book for anyone who works for a living.”
— Author, FISH! and Fish! Sticks
“Finally, a handbook for taking action that every employee needs and any employee can use to take ownership and accountability for their job, career and happiness. When you're tired of playing 'the blame game' and want to get results, pick up this book!”
— Author of 1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work and
Please Don't Just Do What I Tell You: Do What Needs to Be Done!
“This book is a rich buffet of ideas for taking your work to the next level. I savored this wise and witty book from cover to cover. Every reader should dip in with gusto!”
— Author of Whistle While You Work