The new edition of the bestselling employee development classic includes advice on talent retention in the gig economy, and a new chapter on creating a career development culture in your organization.
Study after study confirms that career development is the single most powerful tool managers have for driving retention, engagement, productivity, and results. But most managers feel like they just don't have time for more meetings. This book offers a better way: frequent, short conversations with employees about their career goals that can be integrated seamlessly into the normal course of business.
Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni identify three broad types of conversations that will increase employees' awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and interests; point out where their organization and their industry are headed; and help them pull all of that together to design their personalized career plans. And the new chapter includes an assessment so you can measure how well your current culture supports employee development—and how to improve it.

What People Are Saying
"At last, a hands-on book that's smart, practical, and honest. Everyone knows that people make all the difference; this book will teach you how to make a difference with your people."
— Co-founder, Fast Company magazine and author, Rules of Thumb: 52 Truths for Winning at Business Without Losing Your Self
"Bev and Julie have presented a straightforward and unique solution to talent development: Put the workforce in charge of their own growth. This book will help you create the kind of culture for career advancement that builds businesses."
— Editorial Director, Training Industry Quarterly magazine
"Profound, clear, accessible and actionable. Help Them Grow shows why we can’t talk about employee engagement without addressing career development. And it spells out how leaders can have that conversation."
— Author, The Female Advantage, The Web of Inclusion, and Thriving in 24/7
"This is an amazing book. In all my years coaching executives on career development, this is the best and most comprehensive resource available. It's an easy read that takes the complex issue of career development and simplifies it with real, action-oriented tips, tools and insights. It's perfectly relevant for new supervisors, senior executives and HR professionals at any level, in any industry."
— Vice President Human Resources, Macy's